What is a Quafaie?

Quafaie (pronounced: kwa FAY) are fantasy creatures that exist in the fantasy writing of Hugh Kemeny, and are created by him. They are primarily in Hugh Kemeny’s Black Phoenix short stories...

To learn more, read this post: What is a Quafaie?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 27

Wednesday 27 February 2008
For thirty years I've been looking for a swordsman;
How many times have the leaves fallen and the branches grown anew?
After once having seen the peach blossoms,
I have never had doubts any more.
- Reuin

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 26

Tuesday 26 February 2008
I feel that my boat has bumped, there at the bottom, into something big. And nothing happens! Or has everything happened, and we are already at rest, in something new?
- Juan Ramón Jiménez

Monday, February 25, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 25

Monday 25 February 2008
Let go over a cliff, die completely, and then come back to life - after that you cannot be deceived.
- Zen saying

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 24

Wednesday 20 February 2008
Cold you may be
but don't warm yourself by the fire,
Buddha of snow!
- Sokan

Thursday 21 February 2008
All that happens is usual and familiar as the rose in spring and the crop in summer.
- Marcus Aurelius

Friday 22 February 2008
Yet another elder said: If you see a young monk by his own will climbing up to heaven, take him by the foot and throw him to the ground, because what he is doing is not good for him.
- Zen instruction

Saturday 23 February 2008
Men who wish to know about the world must learn about its particular details.
- Herakleitos

Sunday 24 February 2008
Yunyan asked Daowu: "How does the Bodhisattva or mercy use all those hands and eyes?"
"It's like reaching behind you for a pillow at night."
"Ah, I understand," said Yunyan.
"What do you understand?" asked Daowu.
"There are hands and eyes all through the body."
"Not bad, but it's not the whole picture."
"No? How would you say it?" asked Yunyan.
Daowu said: "All through the body are hands and eyes."
- Zen koan

Friday, February 22, 2008

Poll for Eric

Eric MJ is thinking of returning to school and taking an education after degree (his first degree is in mechanical engineering).

So he does not have to make a blog with a poll, I am posting his question here (the poll is on the right):

Should he go into the Elementary or Secondary schooling stream?
For those not familiar with the Canadian (Alberta) Schooling system:
Elementary is grades 1-6 (approximate age of the students are 5-11).
Secondary is grades 7-12 (approximate age of the students are 12-17) - this is usually broken into Junior and Senior High School (Jr High is usually grades 7-9 (ages 12-14) and Sr. High is usually grades 10-12 (ages 15-17)).

Please post your comments (any reasons for your choice) to this blog post.

If you don't know Eric, you are still welcome to vote. But here is a little about him (I put here also because I added the third option to suggest he does further education and teach Post-Secondary - college, university):
Eric is a fairly bright man, quite interested in the sciences (though he did not like the biology dissection labs). He has a creative and imaginative mind (which is what I like about him). In university he got interested in history through a sociology course on the Impact of Technology on Society Throughout History (or something of the sort). It was recently noted that he has a good heart and at least one toddler likes him (and it is not his nephew). He can be quite intellectual when he talks, and even some adults (me included) sometimes don't know what he's saying.

That is my attempt to present him in as rounded a way as I can (I don't want to bias people's voting).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 19

Saturday 16 February 2008
The monk" "I am told that Buddha who lived in ancient times sat in meditation for ten cycles of existence and still could not realize the truth of liberation. Why?"
Seijo: "Your question is self-explanatory."
The monk persisted: "Since the Buddha meditated, why couldn't he attain Buddhahood?"
Seijo: "Because he was not a Buddha."
- Zen koan

Sunday 17 February 2008
We do not understand that life is paradise, for it suffices only to wish to understand it, and at once paradise will appear in front of us in its beauty.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Monday 18 February 2008
A monk named Tenno had just completed his apprenticeship to become a Zen teacher. One rainy day, he went to visit his master, Nan-in. Tenno removed his shoes in the master's vestibule, and stepped inside.
Nan-in welcomed him; they sat and chatted. Then the master asked, "I was wondering, did you leave your umbrella to the left or to the right of your shoes?"
Tenno couldn't answer. And realizing he lacked awareness, he postponed teaching and resumed studying with the master.
- Zen story

Tuesday 19 February 2008
The unconscious mind is decidedly simple, unaffected, straightforward, and honest. It hasn't got all of this façade, this veneer of what we call adult culture. It's rather simple, rather childish. It's direct and free.
- Milton H. Erikson

Friday, February 15, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 15

Wednesday 13 February 2008
When it's cold, water freezes into ice; when it's warm, ice melts into water. Similarly, when you're confused, essence freezes into mind; when you are enlightened, mind melts into essence.
- Muso Kokushi

Thursday 14 February 2008
There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect.
- G. K. Chesterton

Friday 15 February 2008
So let us go forward, quietly, each on his own path, forever making for the light.
- Vincent van Gogh

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 12

Tuesday 12 February 2008
Even though a man may be incapable of making himself worthy of the creator of the cosmos, yet he out to try to make himself worthy of the cosmos. He ought to transform himself from being a man into the nature of the cosmos and become, if one may say so, a little cosmos.
- Philo

Monday, February 11, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 11

Monday 11 February 2008
With age comes the inner, the higher life. Who would be forever young, to dwell always in externals?
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 10

Friday 8 February 2008
Winter solitude.
    In a world of one color
        the sound of wind
- Bashō

Saturday 9 February 2008
Perfectionism is slow death.
- Hugh Prather

Sunday 10 February 2008
Zen master Seung Sahn and several students were invited to stay at a fellow student's house in the country. The student had a large dog which spent its time hanging around the porch, wagging its tail and barking at strangers. That evening, when everyone was sitting around the fireplace, the dog settled down next to Seung Sahn.
The master leaned over the dog and said, "Here's a question for you that no Zen student can answer. The Buddha said that all things have Buddha-nature. But when asked if a dog has Buddha-nature, the great master Chao-chou said Mu!, which means no. So I asked you, do you have Buddha-nature?"
"Woof!" The dog let out a mighty bark.
"Ah, you are wiser than Chao-chou!"
- Zen story

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 7

Wednesday 6 February 2008
A monk asked Chokoman: "What is the sword that will cut a hair that is blown into it?"
"You can't touch it," Chokoman said.
The monk asked: "How about the one who uses it?"
"His bontes and body are smashed to smithereens."
The monk replied: "Then it's an awfully good thing not to be able to touch it!"
Chokoman struck the ignorant monk.
- Zen mondo

Thursday 7 February 2008
You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes.
- Moses Ben Maimon

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Zen a day - Feb 5

February has already been a busy month and will continue to do so, but I will try to at least post the Zen and HNT.

Here is the Zen to date:

Friday 1 February 2008
The monk from Shu with the silk lute case,
walking west of O-mei mountain,
Has with a light touch of the strings
enveloped me in the pines of a thousand valleys.
I hear him in the shimmering brook,
I hear him in the icy wind.
And I feel no change as the mountain darkens
and autumn's dark clouds heap in the sky.
- Li Po

Saturday 2 February 2008
Monk: "How should I escape birth and death?"
Shih-kung: "What is the use of escaping it?"
- Zen mondo

Sunday 3 February 2008
You're asking the wrong questions. If you want to make the world a better place, tell funnier jokes!
- Woody Allen

Monday 4 February 2008
The satiated man and the hungry man do not see the same thing when they look upon a loaf of bread.
- Rumi

Tuesday 5 February 2008
Everything flows from your own heart.
- Fa-yen